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Or something like Kagi. Nobody will pay for it now because of what spez has done during his most recent tenure, but there was a point in time where I truly think turning it into a paid service was viable.

I've been on the site since 2005 and turned down the ability to buy the stock early, and intend on throwing a couple thousand dollars at shorting it. I don't trust the c-suite, admins, or devs at all anymore. Spez directly edited a user's comment in the database. Admins directly manipulated the /r/place database.

I'm still there because...the fediverse sucks, and I can still use my hacked up Reddit is Fun client and old.reddit.com, but if that set of circumstances changes, I don't anticipate sticking around.

Just to add to the sample size, I abandoned Reddit as it got increasingly user-hostile, and I have been enjoying the fediverse. There's a lot of cool hackers on there, and I feel like I have a really good signal:noise ratio. Sorry to hear it wasn't a good experience for you tho.

Wait, I knew about the comment stuff. They edited the /r/place DB as well?

> I'm still there because...the fediverse sucks, and I can still use my hacked up Reddit is Fun client and old.reddit.com, but if that set of circumstances changes, I don't anticipate sticking around.

Same exact scenario (but with Reddit Sync) for myself.

> Wait, I knew about the comment stuff. They edited the /r/place DB as well?

Yeah. At risk of making a drama/flame thread...



Please have mercy dang.

The orange cat on the orange site at last!

> ...the fediverse sucks

Aside from a larger population or migration of communities that are important to you, what would improve it for you?

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