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Could you email me maybe some of the issues you encountered so I could help and find a good way to add the docs in the page?

I'd rather do it here so everyone can join in.

I'm not getting a quota error despite not using it all day:

> Could not run query

> Error: Monthly free usage of 100 exceeded,

It's saying I've used 188 out of 100 which is odd. I haven't used 188 - more like 15.

Earlier I was trying a query like:

> SELECT * from <table> where Status="Complete";

And it was complaining that Complete wasn't a valid column... (rather than Status...) I also had weird issues trying to replace * with an actual column name. The autocomplete went crazy.

Not sure if it makes a difference but I'm a stubborn Firefox user.

Ah, I see, could you try now? The quota should be fixed, my bad there, had a bug.

Now about the query, DuckDB works in the following way, the query you sent should be written like

> SELECT * from <table> where "Status" = 'Complete';

Now this is because the `"` is used for the table and column names, and the `'` is used for raw string. See more here https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/introduction#querying-a-table which might be a bit different from other SQL database engines.

And finally, regarding the autocomplete, it indeeds tries to autocomplete in a too verbose way, which is something I'll try to improve.

Thanks for reaching out, and hopefully this can help you try it out!

Yes. Obvious in hindsight but - this underlines my point that a few examples would make life a lot easier for people casually trying it out.

Totally, In fact I think it would be nice to have a sort of interactive example based on one of your sheets, definitely! Thanks for the feedback.

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