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Meh. People still do athletics competitions even though cars exist and can outpace any human. Weightlifting is also still a thing even though even an entry-level forklift beats any human weightlifter. Chess is more popular than ever before, even though nobody has any hope of beating a computer anymore.

Out of all the fields that human do professionally, sports will be one of the last ones to disappear. The fact that it is (unaugmented) humans competing is the entire point.

I don't think the unaugmented qualifier is accurate. What matters is that there are well-established rules defining scope. People racing cars is still a very widely enjoyed form of entertainment.

> Out of all the fields that human do professionally, sports will be one of the last ones to disappear. The fact that it is (unaugmented) humans competing is the entire point.

This is my thought/hope for what we'll expect in the coming years as AI's automation becomes more commonplace. Society's interests will start going towards activities that showcase human ability - sports, livestreaming (very much its own industry now, but mostly for socializing, art, and gaming), performance, dance, etc. Sure AI can 'do' these things, but not at the level elite performers can or with the subtle nuisances in human personalities.

Is it? I'd watch the cyborg Olympics.

On the other hand, watching androids compete in physical sports is going to be pretty cool.

LOL. Yes, exactly.

Even in the future when the AI is provide everything and we are no longer able to understand it, humans will be doing human competitions, playing chess, etc... The human on human action will be only thing left, and only thing humans care about. Chess is already unwinnable, but humans still want to measure themselves against other humans.

Chess, Go, what next? Pizza delivery? Accountant Simulator? Humans are already being outclassed one feature at a time.

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