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Some people still missing the phrase about health benefits. Would be good to avoid ethical discussions since it's beyond the topic.

I don't need consistency or ribs being perfect - I just want them to be ribs, not some unknown substance. Humans were eating ribs over thousands of years without any ethical issues so I struggle to understand why it is suddenly a problem

There are almost certainly no health benefits.

I consider the ethical considerations to be significant. Many people have had them for a long time; vegetarianism is centuries old in the West and even longer among some cultures. Plenty of other practices that were one time considered ethical by most have come under scrutiny: slavery, racism, etc. I believe that animal suffering may one day be in the same category.

But if you're OK with that, and your primary concern is health, then you can be reasonably sure that there are no advantages on that score.

> without any ethical issues

is that so?

> Humans were eating ribs over thousands of years

Appeal to tradition?

Ethical discussion is beyond the topic because you framed it like this, but ethics and environment is what is actually motivating lab meat production, you can't really discard this.

We have a sub thread answering your health-related question.

> is that so?

that's certainly answers the question :)

> but ethics and environment is what is actually motivating lab meat production, you can't really discard this

You may be surprised to find that out, but it is actually market motivates the production, so yes this can be easily discarded.

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