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> It means the uppercase you password when generating a hash. Good lord.

No it doesn't. Say your password is "Abc1". When you sign up, they would hash "Abc1". Then when you login, say you type "aBC1". The site would first hash "aBC1" and find that it is incorrect. Then it would invert the case to "Abc1" and try again, and it would work. It's basically just automating a second attempt. In fact, I wonder if it even counts as a second failed attempt if both failed.

If someone were able to make brute force attempts on the website, it would still end up evaluating the passwords the same number of times as if the inverted case wasn't checked (the attacker would just need to invert it themselves) and in fact would likely slow down the attack because they are forced into checking inverterted case passwords. But that's moot anyway because the website limits login attempts. And if the database leaked, it's not stored any differently than if they didn't invert the case.

Of course I'm making assumptions about the implementation (I didn't know they did this until this comment) and it could be done poorly but I would hope a company as big as meta/Facebook put at least this amount of thought into it.

Ok, but I thought the implication was that it didn’t do retries but just uppercased passwords.

This makes more sense, and obviously a better idea.

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