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We are incredibly far from the kind of society you're imagining.

What I think you have to ask is: if we get rid of copyright now, today, in this economy and society, what will the result be?

The result would be large corporations that own channels like Amazon Prime, Netflix, YouTube, AI companies, etc. just strip mining everything and sell it back to people for subscription fees and paying creators $0. The end. (Yes this already happens, but it would happen a lot more and there would be no recourse.)

This is the same mistake college Marxists and libertarians make. You can't imagine some kind of idealized society, cherry pick principles and ideas from it, plop them into the real world, and then expect it to magically turn out the way you imagine. The result is almost never what you think.

How long must we wait?

Your argument hinges on the assertion that copyright is actually working. It isn't.

We aren't really that far away from a system that can support everyone. If we were, then all the starving artists would be dead.

> This is the same mistake college Marxists and libertarians make. You can't imagine some kind of idealized society, cherry pick principles and ideas from it, plop them into the real world, and then expect it to magically turn out the way you imagine. The result is almost never what you think.

Keeping everything as it is, never even imagining change, is just as bad though - because eventually change will come and then it will just steamroll over everything.

The current best example of such an outside change is AI technology - no matter its dubious origins (=widespread scraping of content), it is hugely disrupting already. And prior to that, we had Covid and the resultant drop in office rents that led to urban planners and CRE investors being in a really massive clusterfuck.

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