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If I am a corporation and I am willing to break regulations, how will you force me to use homomorphic encryption? Why should I pass on gathering data that I can resell?

The average buyer won't understand or care about it so there is no direct pressure from consumers. I think regulations is not optional (and homomorphic encryption may be mandated if viable?). Breaching regulations is often a "cost of doing business", but some recent regulations (such as GDPR) can actually create very large fines in many countries. So it seems that what may be needed is good enforcement and measured penalties. Another deterrent would be having penalties that are not money.

> Breaching regulations is often a "cost of doing business", but some recent regulations (such as GDPR) can actually create very large fines in many countries.

This is the issue with so many laws. Stricter fines basically never deter would be offenders from committing the crime. What deters people is a high chance of getting caught.

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