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> As someone who read the official reports on the B737 MAX and the 787 battery fires and who is from the industry, I can tell you that your accusations are completely unfounded in reality.

You're defending this particular story when I never claimed it was necessarily false.

> By the way, LWTN was not once found to have wrong reporting on any of their subjects. Last party to pull them to court over it was this cial guy. And it was found that the reporting was factually correct.

That is how "out of context" works. They don't affirmatively lie, they lie through omission. They have lawyers who know how defamation laws work.

Man, you started all of this by pointing to the interviews in the particular show about Boeing, and you wonder why people keep coming back to that particular show?

You did point out those "interviews", which weren't even interviews to begin with but recording of shop floor banter, without realizing they were done by Al-Jazzeera and not LWTN, not realizing they covered the B787 and were done over a decade ago.

And then you accusse others of discussing out of context? Difficult to have context when you din't even get your basic facts right, isn't it?

> I never claimed it was necessarily false.

Doesn't real line up with this, which is essentially claiming its false:

> ... shows like that have a long history of doing selective editing or purposely taking things out of context.

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