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Machine Learning Copilot – Automated Machine Learning as a Service (automl.tmlc.pl)
1 point by yu3zhou4 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Phase 1 completed: Upload a CSV file with your data, get a ML model

Phase 2 in progress: Write a prompt, get a ML model

I start with support for CSV files, so you can just drop a file with your data and after a minute you get a Python script together with your trained model's parameters as Pickle file, ready to run

In quite a rush for last 3 weeks I have been building this platform and without waiting, there's a first public release, sorry for not being as good as it could be!

With coupon HACKERNEWS there is -75% off on credits purchase, so hopefully everyone can give it a try and give an initial feedback


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