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The post isn't satire but this statement of mine was indeed incredibly sarcastic:

> After all, it's a dangerous hallucinogen, and it's equally dangerous for everyone. Just like how alcohol and nicotine are equally safe for everyone.

I was indeed poking fun at the fact that LSD is considered unsafe while alcohol and nicotine are allowed to run rampant. I think LSD should not be illegal, and you should be able to source it safely, from regulated sources. I don't want it limited to clinical trials or prescribed treatments - I want to be able to pick it up at a store (or drug store, whatever) and trust that it's not NBOMe or whatever, without having to pay for and handle expensive and dangerous chemical reagents. Then I want to use it at home, in a safe environment, and spend time with my friends and pets.

However, LSD is a bit unpredictable. It's not necessarily safer than alcohol or nicotine for everybody. I know that for myself only, and in a strict physical sense (i.e. not really possible to die by LSD25 overdose), but the mental effects can be quite profound for certain people or for certain neurotypes. Whether these effects are positive or negative varies by individual.

Of course, a similar thing could be said for alcohol and nicotine. Alcohol can often result in self-destructive behavior and nicotine typically causes some pretty bad addiction and dependence. Which is why I think it's unfair that LSD is treated the way that it is.

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