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Many things we have grown up believing and have been taught are shams, insofar as they often are not based on actual thought or circumstances but rather are "common wisdom" (rules) passed down and reinforced with an unquestioning society.

Yeah like from example, from an atheist point of view (and I'm not an atheist) you could say all religions are a sham...

FWIW, I also think all religions are a sham but I do think something "above" exists, and yeah, that which exists allows suffering in this world, take it or leave it...

...which is one of the main atheist debating points like "but the children with cancer" and yeah I agree those children shouldn't go through that but I also acknowledge something "greater" exists, that, for better or worse, whether I like it or not, or anyone else for that matter, allows these children to exist and suffer...

...humankind does however self-inflict a lot of suffering...

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