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Expecting employees to enable you to do what they aren't okay with having supported and be silent is just as entitled a worldview. Employees are not to Management/Executives as a child is to a parent. We're all adults. We're all here together, and literally the only thing the Exec title carries with it is potential liabiliy.

Don't like not having your every whim kowtow'd to by people below you? Well, feel free to fire and incur the increased uninsurance premiums that will detract from your bottom line. And hey, there's other places to hire people in. But oh wait.... Everywhere else still recognizes the legotimacy of secondary strikes. Let me know how that works for ya.

Or... You know, listen to the people actually doing the hard work. Be a pity if something unfortunate were to happen to that all those cooperative people that make you making money possible.

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