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You can execute a new workflow programmatically, for example see [1]. So people have triggered, for example, 50 child workflows from a parent step. As you've identified the difficult part there is the "collect" or "gathering" step, we've had people hack around that by waiting for all the steps from a second workflow (and falling back to the list events method to get status), but this isn't an approach I'd recommend and it's not well documented. And there's no circuit breaker.

> I'm wondering if you could i.e. have a task act as a generator and yield values, or just return a list, and have each individual item get passed off to its own execution of the next task(s) in the DAG.

Yeah, we were having a conversation yesterday about this - there's probably a simple decorator we could add so that if a step returns an array, and a child step is dependent on that parent step, it fans out if a `fanout` key is set. If we can avoid unstructured trace diagrams in favor of a nice DAG-style workflow execution we'd prefer to support that.

The other thing we've started on is propagating a single "flow id" to each child workflow so we can provide the same visualization/tracing that we provide in each workflow execution. This is similar to AWS X-rays.

As I mentioned we're working on the durable workflow model, and we'll find a way to make child workflows durable in the same way activities (and child workflows) are durable on Temporal.

[1] https://docs.hatchet.run/sdks/typescript-sdk/api/admin-clien...

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