Most likely, a person consuming greater than or equal to two cans of sugar-sweetened beverages a day is also consuming other foods that are sugar-sweetened. A retrospective cohort study design like this has no way of preventing that from confounding any conclusions about the impact of just beverages if you're otherwise eating identically.
I think "don't drink soda every day" is about as likely to be good advice for everyone as any diet advice a person gets, but as I ranted about in a very long comment yesterday, this is an inherent limitation of nutrition science. Even what is probably the actual study here that someone linked to says in its conclusion that what they found "supports current recommendations to limit the intake of SSBs even for physically active individuals." They make no claim that they found a concrete causal link and for sure soda will hurt you if it's your only vice.
>Most likely, a person consuming greater than or equal to two cans of sugar-sweetened beverages a day is also consuming other foods that are sugar-sweetened. A retrospective cohort study design like this has no way of preventing that from confounding any conclusions about the impact of just beverages if you're otherwise eating identically.
In other words, "don't eat the kind of diet that people who drink two or more cans of soda per week tend to eat"?
If the message here is supposed to be “if you eat sensible portions of healthy foods and lots of vegetables but you also drink two Dr Peppers a week then you’re going to have measurably worse health outcomes” then I sure want to understand that.
I think "don't drink soda every day" is about as likely to be good advice for everyone as any diet advice a person gets, but as I ranted about in a very long comment yesterday, this is an inherent limitation of nutrition science. Even what is probably the actual study here that someone linked to says in its conclusion that what they found "supports current recommendations to limit the intake of SSBs even for physically active individuals." They make no claim that they found a concrete causal link and for sure soda will hurt you if it's your only vice.