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Whomane – An open source wearable with camera (github.com/whomane)
16 points by Human01d 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Hey everyone! Nik, one of creators of Whomane here! Never expected to see a post on HN about our own product - thank you!

Stack: Hardware Setup: Raspberry Pi, Pi sugar battery, V2.1 camera and button Software: Firebase + python + nextJS

You can try it out here without any registrations: https://whomane.com/

Github link: https://github.com/Whomane/Whomane

Announcement: https://twitter.com/kodjima33/status/1765856439413964943

https://github.com/Whomane/Whomane/blob/cc3a65ffba589b6ff996... and https://github.com/Whomane/Whomane/blob/cc3a65ffba589b6ff996... will likely interest any potential adopter

I guess it pairs with the phone for network connectivity?

Right now it connects directly to the internet! Still have to finish bluetooth stuff so that it could connect to the phone directly

so, it has on-board wifi and thus only works at home, at work, or when public wifi is available to it? I couldn't readily tell because the instructions seem to be oriented toward development time, but the photo shows it clipped to the jacket as if it is to be worn while out and about

open source is the way for ai wearables, they are just starting out

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