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> In my personal experience (not a lot, from my early 20s) the opposite can also be true.

Such is the nature of street drugs. The odds of what you took actually being 100% pure real LSD is approximately zero, unless it was directly handed to you by a trained chemist. Much more likely an obscure cocktail of designer tryptamines.

Can you provide a source for this? This has not been my experience, nor have I heard this anywhere before, and I am quite involved in the psychedelic community.

How do you test your samples to know that this has not been your experience?

I don't know why the parent comment is being downvoted.

The source is using your brain and probability.

The ease of ordering research chemicals vs the difficulty of LSD synthesis.

Sometimes people pass off research chemicals as LSD but the only real reason to do this is cost. It's not like LSD is wildly expensive. People might sell you bunk or under dosed tabs though

Yeah, LSD is very cheap to make. Research chemicals mostly only exist to skirt law enforcement.

I really doubt it.

I mean, I had LSD from a handful of different sources, as well as psilocibin, and the essential dimension to any of the psychedelics effects I experienced were very similar, and it was only in that one instance that it led to lasting feelings of anxiety.

I do not believe it was the drug itself that messed me up. It was the insights that the drug revealed to me that were the source of my anxieties.

I worked through that stuff, and maybe in the long run I'm better off for it. It's hard to say for certain. One way or the other, life goes on.

Amazing how strong sound logic and reason can continue to be

LSD is a uniquely potent psychedelic. Especially in the pre-research-chemicals-from-china era, you could be pretty damn confident you took LSD if you were tripping balls on less than a milligram.

A quarter of a milligram is enough to make most people have to ask themselves, "are these the right number of fingers for me to have?"

This can definitely put some things in perspective.

Probably not, regardless testing kits are cheap and you can get them online

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