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> The multicenter, randomized, double-blinded trial tested doses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 micrograms compared with a placebo.

Recently, the scientific testing of LSD seems to max at 200 micrograms. If you read the literature from the 50s and 60s, and if you listen to many recreational users, this number is low. I am actively curious if there are measurable positive effects in the 300-500 range. It seems like 200 is where negative effects start to really appear, so the researchers are afraid of going above that because the data they collect may not look good for regulators.

Phase 3 trials targeting 100 micrograms is further along legitimizing LSD than I ever expected in my lifetime. It doesn't seem like a full embrace though.

200μg is not really low, it's pretty much in the range for a "standard" dose. I personally prefer anywhere between 125-250μg for a worthwhile trip, including ego death, any time I have taken over 250μg it has required some preparation.

300-500μg range goes into way over a normal trip, I've only once taken 500+μg (and I consider myself experienced with hallucinogens) and the experience was borderline overwhelming, I had a good trip but wouldn't ever recommend it to anyone that isn't very experienced and knows very well what they are getting into.

I once tripped with a guy that took 4x200. Best part was, he was meant to be the trip sitter.

“It was pretty intense there for a moment” was his trip report. The most I’ve ever taken would be around 125 and that was starting to push it.

What sort of preparation?

Snacks if thats your vibe, plenty of fluids, a safe space and 2-3 easy/actionable game plans if the vibe changes. For a personal anecdote, it’s being mentally aware/prepared that “I’m tripping on LSD and this too shall end” when things go awry.

To be fully prepared, you should practice your maniacal howling and wild ecstatic movement well ahead of dosing or you will have no idea what to do when you are peaking and a faerie opens the void in front of you begging you to jump in and be swallowed into a world of colorful, cherry-flavored music. If you can manage it, you will want to have a hose connected to a reliable water source and some dry clothes just in case.

Think of it like prepping your inner landscape for a "vehicle rollover". Eat properly, get proper sleep, and get yourself in order, because soon anything you not securely stowed in your head is gonna be flyin' around in your noggin like a bunch of crumbled fast food bags, dropped change, and empty soda cans.

Anyone who has done 200 micrograms of LSD knows that 200 is not low.

The dose that recreational users are being told they're getting is FAR off what they are actually getting. When someone says they're taking 3 tabs of 100 microgram dosages, it's likely they're taking 50-75% of that.

Number is super low.

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