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Swift 5.10 Released (swift.org)
27 points by todsacerdoti 69 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Nifty stuff - though I wonder who these features are for? Since swift is primarily for iOS where you can basically run everything but network requests on the main thread, what’s the point of having these advanced, complex compiler checks for thread safety?

Would love to see more Swift adoption outside Apple ecosystem because it’s truly the best language I’ve worked with; but the busted state of tooling and environment (Xcode, janky at best VSCode support) will need to be improved before it can ever escape iOS/macOS only orbit.

No, you shouldn't run most things on the main thread. Don't access files, and don't do lengthy calculations.

i recently searched for swift in google trends, and to my surprise it seems that the language is slowly declining in hype.

Is this something you've observed around you ? Are people moving away from swift to other techs, and not coming back ? i've been living in an ios-native bubble for the past 4 years so i can't really tell.

Probably related to Apple’s utter garbage documentation. The Apple ecosystem highly favours already competent developers who have learned their trade years ago, before Apple actively destroyed the documentation (and in addition had access to esoteric resources like old WWDC recordings).

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25046691 (2020)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19966135 (2019)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21376744 (2019)

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