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Ran it on a "real" OSS project of mine (https://github.com/dvx/lofi/), and it was stuck at 99% loading for about 30 minutes. Then, when it finally parsed the codebase, when asked anything it always returns "Error: Internal error while locating sources." Specifically, I wanted to see if it can context switch between TypeScript (used for the front-end), ObjectiveC (used for a few Mac features), C++ (used for Windows volume features), and GLSL (used for visualizations). But alas.

At one point, this random prompt popped up: https://imgur.com/a/mYeluaU —what's "Onboard?" Is this some kind of weird LLM leakage/hallucination?

With all respect, this is like a pre-MVP quality product. The codebase isn't even particularly large and the experience is extremely sub-par. Charging for something like this is honestly highway robbery.

Hey sorry to hear that, a couple of things:

- processing is usually stuck at 99% because when we order the components of the repository by file-directory dependency and ast dependency, there are a lot, LOT more leaves than the internal nodes + the root. Since we have to have the results of the dependency before we move on, moving up the dependency chain with llm calls take a while. This is even more pronounced when nearing the root for completion. We are working on optimizing this flow as it is very annoying for us as well.

- "Error: Internal error while locating sources": this is embarrassing but we did experience a database outage today (I wonder why) some repositories have a faulty status. It should be back up now and we are working to recover/reprocess the repos that have failed during the outage (including dvx/lofi)

- "Onboard" that was our previous name, this has slipped through the cracks, thanks for pointing it out!

We are trying to parse most of the popular open source repos (we have processed repos like python, vscode, etc). We are hoping to fully process the linux kernel soon as well (a personal benchmark of mine).

Just wanted you to know that the formatting of your quotes is messed up. You probably need to add some more linebreaks.

> processing is usually stuck at 99%

Why call it 99% then, call it 49%.

Noted - I think Soohoon meant to use the word "often" and not usually. That said, you're right, counting completed nodes would be a more accurate way of measuring progress.

Thanks for reporting the errors. You're right that it's far from perfect. I will say that part of this is due to higher than expected traffic today. We're working hard on stability in general, so hopefully next time you use it you will have a smoother experience.

Loved the idea behind the product, @dakshgupta. Hiccups do happen, don't worry much about them. Keep iterating!

Thank you!

Got the same error....

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