That page is less discoverable. From the Shen homepage, I click on Learn and hope that they have a 15 minute intro? Vs I go to Learn X in Y Minutes, Crtl+F "shen", and I immediately get what I want.
This is the way. Open source projects—languages, libraries, toolkits, etc. (and especially those built by individuals)—are not like YouTube channels vying for your attention, and should not be treated with the arms-length "you serve me" mindset that is so common in some cultures.
As developers, we exist within a shared ecosystem where we all depend on one another. Especially for non-commercial open-source projects, those who put themselves out there are doing so out of goodwill, not because they want to gain fame or money from you (beyond maybe covering the cost of hosting the project). The least we all can do is support them in some small way and thus help build the world of great free software.