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Gemini and "Penis Case" Translation from French (imgur.com)
2 points by fddrdplktrew 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Vulgar? I'm not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure if you used that as a vulgar insult people would look at you with pity because this is obviously the first time you have been released into the public after being a homeschooled for a decade and you have not quite learned how to use derogatory insults.

Same. What is the intended meaning? Is this an article of clothing, a new language mode after nominative and accusative? A carrying device for anatomical curiosities?

Why is p e n i s considered vulgar anyway? Roughly half of humanity touches one several times a day out of basic needs (urination, folks).

I suppose the intention is that it can be used as a vulgar way to refer to a woman. Although when I have heard phrases like that it's usually something way more vulgar which I won't post publicly. This phrasing is almost humorously innocent in its wording.

Poutine! Is also translated as Putin :) Gemini will be good at some point. But atm it needs more testing and updates.

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