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Google launches $5M prize to find actual uses for quantum computers (newscientist.com)
3 points by Brajeshwar 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I'm not knowledgeable about quantum computing at all, just an amateur observer - but a professional software engineer mainly in logistics and warehouse management systems.

I heard it could be great for stuff like Hungarian algorithm-style job optimization, route planning/traveling salesman problem, etc. Is it true?

If so, it's going to disrupt a multi-billion industry as soon as it gets there. Complex operation optimization costs a lot, and a lot of money is lost because it's not feasible to do real-time - my clients run their planning few days in advance because it takes many hours (8 or so), usually needs some fixes and then another round of optimization.

If I told them "my API costs 3x as much but it's done in an hour" they would tear my hands while crying tears of happiness. Near real-time feedback/replanning would save millions per year for each of them.

Laughing out loud on this one.

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