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OpenAI email announces Mar 8th switch to pre-paid only API access (help.openai.com)
6 points by superkuh 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

> Action required: Upcoming changes to your OpenAI API billing You’ll need to pre-purchase API credits starting March 8

> Hi there,

> We’re reaching out to share that we will be updating how we bill for your OpenAI API account <https://platform.openai.com> starting March 8, 2024. Instead of receiving a bill at the end of the month, you will need to pre-purchase credits to use the API.

> Action required: To continue using the API, please add credits to your account by visiting the billing page <https://platform.openai.com/account/billing>. It’s important to purchase credits by March 8, 2024 to avoid API requests being interrupted for your application—if your account does not have sufficient credits on this date, API requests will temporarily fail for your application until credits are purchased. (You can learn more about prepaid billing <https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8264644-what-is-prepaid-...>.) If you recently purchased credits, no additional action is required.

> Please note that this change only applies to your OpenAI API account. It does not affect ChatGPT Plus or Team subscriptions.

> Best, The OpenAI team

No idea why they would do this. Really adds a lot of friction for developers... I hope they reverse course.

I'm actually surprised they did it without prepay.

The reason is the card transaction fees with most providers are usually a flat rate + %. $0.3+some% is typical I think?

And my last few month's invoices were 1.95, 3.81, 1.44, 2.09, 2.24 - those fees would suck at these prices.

I think if they had an auto-reload option it would fix the friction issue. Just a +5$ type of deal.

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