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>at a high level--that life is a "reversal of the second law of thermodynamics";

Life temporarily displaces entropy, locally.

Life wins battles, chaos wins the war.

>Indeed, when considering machine learning, I think it's quite interesting to consider how the organizing of information/knowledge done during training in some real way mirrors the energy-creating information interred in the mind of Maxwell's demon.

This is our human bias favoring the common myth of ever-expanding complexity is an "inevitable" result of the passage of time; refer to Stephen Jay Gould's "Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin"[0] for the only palatable refute modern evolutionists can offer.

>When taking into account the possible transitive benefits of knowledge organized via machine learning, and its attendant oracle through application, it's easy to see a world where this results in a net entropy loss, the creation of a previously non-existent energy gradient.

Because it is. Randomness combined with a sieve, like a generator and a discriminator, like the primordial protein soup and our own existence as a selector, like chaos and order themselves, MAY - but DOES NOT have to - lead to temporary, localized areas of complexity, that we call 'life'.

This "energy gradient" you speak of is literally gravity pulling baryonic matter foward thru space time. All work requires a temperature gradient - Hawking's musings on the second law of thermodynamics and your own intuition can reason why.

>In my mind this has interesting implications for Fermi's paradox as it seems to imply the inevitibility of the organization of information. Taken further into my own personal dogma, I think it's inevitable that we create--what we would consider--a sentient being as I believe this is the cycle of our own origin in the larger evolutionary timeline.

Over cosmological time spans, it is a near-mathematical certainty, that we are to either reach the universe's Omega point[1] on "our" own accord, perish to our own, by our own creation, or by our own son's, hands.

[0]: https://www.amazon.com/Full-House-Spread-Excellence-Darwin/d...

[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOxHRFN4rs0

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