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Trudeau government unveils national pharmacare bill (thestar.com)
12 points by voisin 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

misleading headline, it's providing diabetes meds and birth control. Jagmeet caved again and betrayed the NDP voters for questionable reasons.

Is that what it is limited to, or are those just two drugs they’ve highlighted?

That's all it covers, for now. Canadians have been waiting 60 years for public prescription coverage so this is bigger than it seems, assuming it lasts and gets expanded before the next 60 years. It's definitely a move in the right direction as handling prescriptions nationally will give Canada more leverage with drug companies and save a lot of money.

It doesn't cover anything yet, it may not even cover anything when/if it is passed because it's full of weasel words to get out of having to pay. go look at sect ion 6 (1) on payments for example and compare to the equivalent section from the Canada health act. All the "will pay" in the health act are "may pay" in this act. There's also no timeline for implementation. All this act does is highlight what a bunch of chumps the NDP are.

'save a lot of money'

You must not be familiar with Canadian government spending. Latest exhibit, the ArriveCan app.

Those are the two it is limited to, which should dissapoint any NDP voter becuase the resolution that was passed at the convention was universal coverage or no cooperation and Jagmeet just ignored that to prop up the corrupt liberals.

A nice distraction from Arrivecan scandal, Online Hate bill discussions and Winnipeg lab documents release, but it does mean the party keeps going until the Liberals decide they've had enough of the NDP.

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