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ESP32 and STM32 support is very welcome!

I have been following https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5467 for a while and progress seemed to have slowed significantly

Unfortunately, the upstream zig toolchain (LLVM codegen) does not support the Xtensa architecture (opaque CPU features), but it is possible to use riscv32 for esp32 from the C2/C3/C6, H2 and the new P4 release.

I'm currently working on a fork of the zig toolchain with espressif-LLVM to support Xtensa.[1] It is now possible to test with esp-idf instead of microzig for baremetal (Blink) yet.

[1] https://gist.github.com/kassane/7bdb782a1984d0c6581ae7b44e1f...

Yeah I remember reading about it's relation to LLVM issues etc. I also think there was another (languishing) fork of the entire zig repo which had some support for Xtensa which I couldn't find at the time, but I found it.


Edit: I see you are the same kassane from the GitHub thread. Thank you for your efforts on Xtensa support! Would be great to have it out-of-the-box at some point.

So don't wait. Tarballs already available for testing[1] and an example using esp-idf.[2]

[1]: https://github.com/kassane/zig-espressif-bootstrap/releases

[2]: https://github.com/kassane/zig-esp-idf-sample

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