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GPT-x can't add, or subtract, or do anything else of the type... it can APPEAR to do so, because that's what it was built to do.... act like the text it's seen previously and predict what the next text would be.

If you include a large amount of properly solved math in its training text, it gets MUCH better at that kind of math.

It has a very deep set of intelligences that are alien to us, that allow it to predict and ACT LIKE us, when it comes to generating the next word. You're only seeing the output of those intelligences through a very lossy channel.

As a side note, there are structures in human language that apparently encode much more information that you might think at first glance. The fact that Word2Vec had such mathematical properties, despite it's relative simplicity, astound me to this day. Throwing a bunch of sine/cosine values on top of that to represent position in a sentence to enable LLMs is also amazing in that it works.

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