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New Zealand fuel stations, nationwide outages, leap year glitch in software (nzherald.co.nz)
42 points by TheAlchemist 81 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

For further context on this story which is not really given as this is a local news outlet a lot (maybe 50%+ ?) of all fuel stations in NZ are completely unmanned. You authenticate your card or phone at a terminal, select the pump and then that pump is unlocked and you fill up. There are no attendants to assist you or accept payment.

If it were London, they would be card skimmed and gas siphoned blind. I guess the isolated and smaller population of NZ leads to inherently fewer problems and perhaps more trust.

Interestingly most places do not accept PayWave / Contactless which would be more skim-proof and more theft-proof secure when paying by phone.

Also magnetic strip use basically non-existent. Pretty sure local banks would block it immediately.

The evening of January 18, 2038 will be a breath-holding event for most.

This could really use some technical info on how exactly a leap year caused such a mess?

I haven't heard of it before but I haven't been looking I guess...

Someone did not use the datetime library and implemented something by themselves.

If this is already causing glitches, imagine what would happen in year 2100.

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