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AI Terms Explained (glossarytech.com)
30 points by andrewstetsenko 88 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I'm not sure I believe anyone in the field has ever said "AI token". I also don't buy that the term "training data" implies the existence of labeled input/output pairs. Unlabeled data is still training data.

My first thought when I read the definition of token was - that's how they bill you :p

Seems useful at a first glance but after doing some reading it looks like a lot of the list is proprietary technologies, platforms, and companies rather than helpful definitions

Noted! Thanks for the constructive feedback

I find it difficult to treat a site as a serious authority on anything when its header implores me to "Sign up for the bi-weelky [sic] newsletter"

I noticed an odd typo in the html for this web page. Inside the head element, in this line:

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=uft-8 " />
The `uft-8` should be `utf-8`.

(How'd I notice this? I have a little HN reader app I maintain at https://www.thnr.net/ , and I got some error messages in my logs when my word-count function (which computes how long it would take a person to read the article) was processing this web page's html. Part of this function examines what text encodings the web server and web page each self-report the page as having. The HTTP headers correctly said "UTF-8", fwiw.)

Wow this doesn't have Attention, SoftPlus, LERU...

This is a much better set of general terms vs the original, which currently is heavily oriented towards LLMs/Gen AI

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