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> What do we think of the "friends" that hang around during the good times, and then abandon you when you're down?

I deliberately didn't use the word "friends"; I'm well aware that neither the users nor the corporation really care about each other in this situation. That doesn't mean that you can go back on your entire claim to fame without consequence. And it's not that the company is "down" in some "did nothing wrong but suffered problems" sense; this situation is entirely of their own making.

> But like you pointed out, it's a corporation and it's just business. If their next model is better but isn't made available, companies will still build an AI product on top of their model and give them money for a license or API access.

Well... on the one hand, yes; just business. On the other, a sensible company wouldn't build it per-se on their API (especially now that they've shown how happy they are to change little things like "core values" and "entire business model"), they would build on a standardized API (probably OpenAI; that seems to be where the ecosystem is right now) and then... well, if this company happens to be competitive then good for them. But when they aren't, as you say, it's just business.

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