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Nordic model works in Nordic countries because there are Nordic people with a singular race and culture and it works for them.

One could argue that deterrence should be a major factor just because of demographics of US prison system. For example look at Singapore/Indonesia/Philippines and how they solved drug trafficking problem.

US for sure could learn a lot from Singapore

Rehabilitation already exists for minor crimes and first-time offenders, but the people who end up in actually prison are wayyy past any rehabilitation, its not their first rodeo

No, doubling down on the already arbitrary and capricious criminalization of consciousness-affecting chemicals, especially with the death penalty, is not something the US should learn from.

I've never been big into hard drugs and I don't even really drink these days, but I still recognize that such laws are an affront to my own personal freedom and a blight on the goal of law and order.

so 112,000 people died from fentanyl overdose, and it is affecting both poor, mid and high income people.

What will be court sentence for someone who stabbed 112,000 people? this is plain genocide, that US progressive liberals somehow allow to happen as "harm reduction" - while in fact it is harm increasing by spreading out everywhere

I haven't heard any news regarding this incident where one person surreptitiously poisoned 112,000 people with fentanyl, which is what's implied by the responsibility in your narrative. Got a link?

Or if you're trying to imply that every person remotely related to the drug market is jointly and severely responsible for every person who dies using fentanyl, that is so far from the American conception of individual freedom and personal responsibility I don't know that there is common ground to be had.

Also as far as I can tell, very few people are setting out to deliberately do fentanyl itself. So that would point to the problem being the complete lack of otherwise standard product regulation, which also stems from prohibition.

Your maligned "US progressive liberals" were handed an impossible problem: millions of people addicted to 100% LEGAL prescription opioids (doctors ignored warnings and received kickbacks from the Sacklers[1]) and a lack of funds to cover those expenses due to decreased economic opportunities[2], thereby creating a huge market for fentanyl and other cheap opioids.

Maybe don't be so quick to assume you know where the harm is coming from and how it is spreading.

[1]: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/opioid-manufacturer-purdue-ph...

[2]: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/05/men-wom...

so progressive just continue to kick the can down the road by providing "safe opiods" only to watch them overdose time and time again.

and get hundreds of millions from state budget for their "nonprofits".

meanwhile Singapore, China, Philippines, Indonesia actually try to solve the problem, that include tackling the traffic and dealers + harsh sentences + they abolish the culture of drug usage

What are you going on about with your first and second sentences?

Do you believe that people with different cultures/races cannot agree on a system of fair laws?

Singapore is diverse country of many cultures and they clearly figured out.

Problem is US - smart people dont go into politics, smart people self-select into high paying industries like tech or high frequency trading, and the local city/state politicians are mostly liberal arts types, who are not familiar with STEM or are plain ideologues with their own agenda.

what is lacking in the US is political will to solve problem and too many decentralized decision makers who are not on the same page.

District attorney may be prosecuting criminal, but then judge just lets him loose back on the streets - like what happens to hondos in San Fransicko

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