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sci-hub is still very much alive. It's just new papers are available under an alternate service called the Standard Template Construct. The STC uses IPFS to distribute the papers instead of hosting them themselves which mostly protects it.

I want to believe. I've never seen mention of STC but I am searching now. That said, when I try to access modern articles through sci-hub they aren't even there, there's no ipfs URI to download to start.

http://standard-template-construct.org/ just errors out with 422 unprocessable content. I assume the ipfs proxies are blocking it or the like. So... do I have to run a local IPFS client to access STC? I guess I'll try.

This is the one I use but yeah you need to run a local IPFS client to access the content normally.


Wow. You've made my month if not my year. Finally I can read articles again! Thank you.

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