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CIA Built "12 Secret Spy Bases" in Ukraine and Waged Shadow War for Last Decade (nytimes.com)
11 points by wsc981 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 when they failed to keep their puppet government in place in Kiev. They currently occupy a substantial portion of Ukraine, and have committed many atrocities and war crimes, including kidnapping thousands of children to Russia.

Russia is the aggressor here, not Ukraine. Russia is the instigator, not CIA or anyone else.

If this article is true, I'm glad to hear the the CIA is trying to help Ukraine push back on the Russian aggression and terrorism.

Ukrainians are done with Russian overlords.

Putin is desperate, a all out of all the creepy crawlies in his payment before the election was expected. And they are pushing all the usual stories, American exceptional diabolism included. Me, I made up my mind. Ask yourself, what has the ability to change and integrate change. The authoritans they can not really handle change and look how sterile Russias and China's cultures are. Meanwhile, look at what the world brings to hackernews. The absence of the real contributions of 1.6 billion people here is a great evil to outshine all other evils.

Original title:

>The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin


As if invading a country was justified if what they do in their own borders is something you don't like.

you are barking at the wrong tree here

Americans need a fucking muzzle.

If you fucking say so, I guess. But in no way do the operations detailed in the article amount to "complicity in starting this conflict".

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