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"I've been a lifelong Windows user since the 90s and even MS-DOS back in the 80s, but things are changing. I've been using other operating systems more and more."

OK, that's one user. But clearly he is still using Windows. Microsoft has not "lost" him. He is just complaining. He even provides a solution re: printing for other Windows users that implies his readers are still using it, too.

"Microsoft is in a panic from the continued loss of it's user base."

Is there no need to present any evidence of this statement's veracity.

Perhaps some evidence has been published of which I am unaware.

Where can we view the data.

I was expecting more discussion on this.

The closest thing to info on this I've seen is statcounter's Desktop OS share. According to that Windows has actually lost 15-20% marketshare in the last 10 years. It doesn't look like linux is stealing it though, OSX and "unknown" seem to be the biggest hitters. For all I know unknown is still Windows!

Bad article. Microsoft does NOT care about users. It cares about corporate licenses and ads. It will force you to use windows at work. Imagine watching commercials 8h/day. That's the future. You can't avoid it.

s/You can't avoid it/Windows users can't avoid it/

Not sure who "you" refers to, but NB. I do not use Windows. And I rarely use a graphical interface.

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