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> Give me an example of a null pointer dereference in a program that one compiles -with -fdelete-null-pointer-checks that doesn't crash when its run on any smartphone, x64 cpu in modern laptops/desktops/servers or Apple Silicon.

https://blog.llvm.org/2011/05/what-every-c-programmer-should... has an example under "Debugging Optimized Code May Not Make Any Sense" - in that case the release build fortuitously did what the programmer wanted, but the same behaviour could easily cause disaster (e.g. imagine you have two different global "init" functions and your code is set up to call one or other of them depending on some settings or something, and you forget to set one of your global function pointers in one of those init functions. Now instead of crashing, calls via that global function pointer will silently call the wrong version of the function).

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