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What’s happening in somewhat poorer (BRICS, say) countries? Surely they’d be price sensitive enough not to pay for a Windows license if suddenly it has a (widespread) reputation for being less user friendly than Linux? (And this cohort would eventually become the majority of computer users over time… where would that leave Microsoft?)

It's such a "first world question" haha. Sorry, not trying to insult or criticize you, but this is genuinely a question only people in developed countries would ask.

People in poorer countries use pirated software. No, the don't need to be tech-savvy enough to know torrents to use pirated Windows. They don't need to know how to install an OS themselves.

20 years ago when I got my first PC, pirated windows was the norm here. You needed to be tech-savvy to know how to get a legal version. That is how developing countries work.


So the windows activation thing is simply disabled at the computer store or something? Security updates still function alright despite this?

massgrave activator - open source and on github lol

I use it for test VMs myself.

yes windows updates and all still works

They pirate it?

nobody pays for windows in non-first world countries

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