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> macos is bland and hasn't changed in years

I have the feeling Windows users are a self-selecting bunch.

Yeah. Every time a pundit, even an Apple-focused one, complains that macOS “hasn’t changed” I have to shake my head at such ignorance from people who should know better.

The interface changes relatively slowly, all things considered. (When it does change suddenly, some of the same pundits throw a fit.) But the internals are always changing, virtually always for the better; things like the `discoveryd` situation are outliers, not the rule.

Under the hood, macOS changes things (and break them) so fast, that Linux distros blush with envy, while they figure out, how to change something in 5 years that macOS does in 1.

Like passkey support. I thought for sure it would be further ahead in Linux but nope.

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