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I managed to convince my mother-in-law to use Linux and drop Windows.

But it seems that convincing the network guys at work is harder than convincing a retiree. Apparently it's easier to administer a Windows network than a Linux one.

There is no good replacement for Active Directory, by a large margin. It’s the single biggest factor that keeps Windows alive in the enterprise.

Out of curiosity does Linux, or rather directory/desktop software running on Linux, have something similar to Windows Group Policy?

Yes, however it is sub standard and hard to use. Look at IdP

In addition to Windows, I manage Ubuntu, MacOS and iOS via Azure Active Directory. I like Azure.

Was that really a good thing? Active Directory in enterprise environments keep the hackers happy

I didn't know what the Active Directory is until now, although I found its Wikipedia page. Is it known for being insecure?

Not really, in 2024. GP is presenting a caricature.

> Apparently it's easier to administer a Windows network than a Linux one.

Not really. I suspect that there's a fallacy similar to the one in <https://thedailywtf.com/articles/an-obvious-requirement> going on. (The most relevant comment: 'Ah, so the user is using "obvious" to mean "familiar."').

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