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Hate to break it to you, OSX/Mac are just the same cash cow with proprietary vendor lock-ins for forever.

Unless that was the irony you were pointing out. Good show.

OS X works well especially with the hardware it was co-designed with. The only other option is an idealistic Linux, which still isn’t suitable for most people, so grandma moved from Windows to OSX, and never looked back.

> OS X works well especially with the hardware it was co-designed with.

Only while they continue to support it. It may work well now but when they stop supporting it; it's proprietary, it's dead.

When they fully move away from Intel based support, all those without the latest platform will be dead in the water.

"Your not running the latest secure version of OSX! -- Your running an Intel? Sorry we don't support that".

As which that can be seen with old iPhones and iOS.

Case in point, if I was running Apple hardware from 2011~2014 I would be out of support for quite a few years already with massively outdated hardware, Apple puts their customers on a MUCH faster treadmill to keep upgrading often. But instead my _daily drivers_ 13 year old Thinkpad X220 and both my 10 year old 4th gen haswell i7 PCs keep trucking along. It's easy enough to fix, upgrade and have access to ALL current software. Not only that but one of those machines perform just as good if not better than a PS5, so I can still play any game I want at a respectable fidelity and performance. Also, not running Windows helps keep the bloat overhead at bay.

Would you be better off with windows? I actually still have Apple hardware that old that I still use. Yes, Apple doesn’t fix it anymore, but no, I never needed Apple to fix it before. I guess it doesn’t get OS updates, but so what? It just works, the only thing I want I is no hassle computers, and that’s what I get with Apple hardware.

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