Hi everyone,
I'm building an e-learning website like Udemy but for Arabic speakers: https://www.nahda.io/. I built an MVP and landing page and started running targeted ads to validate and I noticed the following numbers after 5 days of advertising ($5 per day budget):
35k impressions
1.29k clicks
6 signups.
Which puts my conversion rate at 0.47% and my CTR at around 3.6%.
Does anyone here have experience with product validation that can tell me if these numbers are a sign of a bad idea/unwanted product?
Thanks and appreciate the help!
Also, how good web or search ads are really depends on the economics of your product. If your customers will be paying $60 per year then paying 5$ to acquire them is pretty damn good.
For the moment though, I would focus on getting into real conversations(phone or video) with your customers to understand what they want, how much they’d pay, etc. With so much competition for attention, the days of validating with a landing page may be over.