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> Even if they find something useful to do, they don't get to "look over my shoulder" to see how I do things.

This is your fault. I work remote, and have an open video call when I’m coding. Lots of people drop in for that. The keyboard is neither here nor there: I promise you can’t tell what I’m typing from looking at my keyboard, yet jetbrains solved this decades ago with the shortcut presentation mode.

Can’t agree more. Mob programming alternatives to Zoom like Multi are also superior to in person because they generate summaries with files edited, branches, websites viewed so the junior / new employee can relax and focus on what’s important. If you aren’t actively sharing “how to work” tips with colleagues, particularly juniors, it’s your fault not an office’s. The whole point of being an engineer is to be clever and find solutions where others couldn’t to make the world a better place.

I’m a consultant working for a 15K user enterprise. I don’t get to choose the collaboration platform and the developers wouldn’t be permitted to install anything not reapproved anyway.

This is the reality for many people.

Presumably they have some video conferencing software. If not, that’s probably not an organization that can succeed regardless of where people are located.

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