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This is fantastic. Right now in my PWA I'm using a little library I created called `html-form` (HTMF) and I need to implement it as a SPA to avoid service worker fetching on every page change. So, I used a similar attribute to `hx-select`. But it adds quite a bit of code to the code base. Using your pattern I can remove all that added code and I can stop using hash navigation. Nice and simple.

Thank you for putting your code out in the public so I can learn from it!

Playing with the code it doesn't fit my use case. It seems like it would be really cool if you have a very narrow use case and that use case doesn't grow. Having your browser parse any scripts you have twice doesn't make much sense. Also, working with eventing would be an interesting problem to solve. I guess you would need to add an element for that, maybe something like `<template type=event>{"my-event": "my event data"}</template>`.

So, it seems like this pattern could probably take you quite a ways. But the main issue I have is that you would need to parse all that JS out twice by the browser. But if you don't have the need for any `script` tags in what you pass back it would be pretty nice.

Also, it wouldn't work for graceful degradation as the server wouldn't know if you need the whole page or a segment. As HTMX adds a header that lets you know that JavaScript is being used by the front end.

Overall, I think it is really cool and it would be neat to see how far you could take this.

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