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Anecdotally, I woke up to no signal / “SOS” mode on my iPhone this morning at around 0600 and had service restored around 0830 in South Carolina. However, a coworker in Memphis confirmed he was still out of service at 1000 so it’s regional restoration.

I always wonder instead of a regional restoration, if they would “disable” segments of SIMs/accounts randomly to avoid lightning strike (it’s not a DDoS…) their network as they turn things back on. Depends on what the recovery method is, but could be problematic to turn everything back on at once.

I've heard that called the thundering herd problem.

I actually spoke with my wife after the initial comment, she was reconnected at a later time than I! So it’s not regional but some other mechanism.

I've never heard lightning strike, always thundering herd.

my wife's phone was SOS when she woke up at about 6AM central and finally become operational around 1:30PM central.

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