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Why would you use this instead of e.g.

    {{ "--quiet" if ansible_verbosity == 0 }}

Probably because the author of this piece of code was not aware of it. :)

Thanks, I updated the blog-post.

I'm genuinely surprised you can use if-else expressions in Jinja. Jinja uses such neutered expressions I would have looked for an equivalent ternary/iff filter.

They support for-if from python, too: https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/3.1.x/templates/#loop-f... but I haven't tried the "recursive" keyword to know if ansible supports that. I say "ansible supports that" because they don't just drop jinja2 into ansible and call it a draw, they have a bunch of custom execution integrations: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.16.3/lib/ansible/...

I was wondering the same thing. I tested it and it works fine. It defaults to an empty string if there is no "else".

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