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> Level-2 charging has just worked 99.999% of the time.

If Level 2 charging worked all but 1 in 100K trials, neither you (in several years) nor I (in 10 years) should have expected to be a favorite to have experienced even a single Level 2 charger outage. Instead, I've experienced multiple such failures every year.

I'm a pretty big supporter of the potential of EVs, and been very happy with mine (even having bought the cheapest and worst one: a Nissan Leaf). But, I'm also a fan of using correct estimations and data when confronting the problems with EV-related infrastructure and I estimate public Level 2 charging to be closer to 99.5% than 99.999% (1 in 200 failures vs 1 in 100K failures). That might even be a slightly generous estimate.

I've literally never come across an L2 charger not working anywhere in my state. I have seen one offline in the last 4 years. Looking at plugshare I see one site that had an outage for 2 days across all L2 chargers in the last 90 days.

Presumably you've got a database that you just forgot to link that you can reference for your information since you're a fan of correct estimations and data, and not just using your personal anecdotal experience. Because otherwise you're just being pedantic.

Sure, here's a data summary of overall grid availability, which in most places will serve as the upper limit on L2 charging availability. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=50316

That gives a typical grid availability of only 99.95%, making it pretty unlikely that the L2 network will have 1/50th the downtime of the grid itself.

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