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Do you also regret not playing the winning lottery numbers, now that you know what they are (or can easily look them up)?

Absolutely, now that you mention it. In addition every day there are millions of option call/put plays which when I found out did well I will have absolute regrets.

I pity you as you are so full of regrets. Try to enjoy life without looking back so much

Now I regret having lived a life full of regrets.

Every time my girlfriend buys lottery tickets I tell her to buy the winning ones, and every time she gets the numbers wrong. Every. Friggin. Time.

Write out a list with all the possible numbers, and her get one of each before buying more. That way you can have better odds. The real issue will be how long it takes to buy them all.

You should try telling her to pick the wrong numbers. She’ll either be successful or rich!

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