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vinni2 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite

If he's serious, is that attempted bribery?

If not, is it not contempt of court?

He's not asking Thomas to rule a certain way, so not bribery. Oliver isn't in court nor dodging a subpoena to be in court, so a contempt charge doesn't apply.

Of course the real reason for the offer is because Thomas has shown himself to be ethically compromised, refusing to recuse himself even when the case materially involves his wife and taking gifts (actual bribes) from a billionaire without either disclosing them or refusing himself from cases where that billionaire's interests are before the court.

Since asking nicely to follow judicial norms hasn't worked, just paying the guy to go away doesn't seem out of the question.

Or election meddling.

Well, if politicians turn into judges and judges turn into politicians, and so many politicians are bought & paid for, is it so much different to be as blatant as possible as opposed to discreetly compensated persuasion?

That's really putting your money where your mouth is.

IANAL but doesn't seem illegal per se. It's pretty clever and ballsy, and sends a signal regardless.

IMHO, I think there should be crowdsourced super PACs and lobbyist firms that outspend the NRA, big oil, billionaires, etc. to get policy implemented for the people.

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