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The topic isn't banned. The keyword isn't filtered. HN mods said none of the things you've claimed.

What you're seeing is users flagging the articles. We've turned the flags off on stories related to Gaza several times. The people you disagree with are just as upset about it as you are, btw, and just as convinced that we're biased.

This is an impossible situation, but I'm still willing to turn off flags on the story in the future—but the article is going to have to be something more substantial than an opinion piece about a meme. Obviously the users who flagged this particular submission were correct to do so.

I assume you've already seen the many explanations I've posted about how we approach this and similar topics, but in case not—or for anyone who wants to know—here are a few:


https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38947003 (Jan 2024)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38749162 (Dec 2023)

This is all standard HN moderation practice that has been in place for many years. We haven't changed it. You're welcome to disagree about particular calls (i.e. about particular threads)—I don't claim we've called everything perfectly, in fact I know we haven't. But it's cheap and wrong for you to defame us for not allowing HN to burn to the ground on this topic, just as it's cheap and wrong for others to do so because we won't suppress the topic altogether.

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