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Another one. This one has a rate limit.

  curl -si40A "" https://old.reddit.com/new.rss > 1.json

  sed 10q 1.json

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   content-length: 40582
   content-type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8
   x-ua-compatible: IE=edge
   x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
   x-ratelimit-remaining: 93
   x-ratelimit-used: 3
   x-ratelimit-reset: 96
   x-reddit-internal-ratelimit-rls-type: ip-standard
In theory, APIs to retrieve public information suck because they are designed to be rate-limited or subject to quotas. Whereeas IME public-facing websites are much less likely to set rate limits and enforce quotas.

I prefer to use the public-facing website instead of "Web APIs" and convert HTML to SQLite which I prefer over non-LD JSON. If the public-facing website changes their HTML, I change the code in the filter. This is rare. It is very simple for me to do.

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