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i agree, it would be nice for google to have an option to avoid paywalled articles, or to specify to it what accounts you pay for and allow those only

getting all journalism for free isn't sustainable though

While I believe in journalism, I'm pretty appalled at the state of modern journalism. There have been a few big fully televised court cases recently, e.g., Depp v. Heard, and I was stunned at how poor the media coverage of them was. As I was intrigued by the legal system, I watched tens of hours of raw footage of witnesses, lawyers and judges, and I was amazed at how watching the raw footage revealed how incredibly biased and superficial the journalism coverage was (on all sides). As this experience showed how untrustworthy newspapers can be, I'm really not aware of any newspaper/journalism (maybe Private Eye? Or Bellingcat?) that is worth reading, let alone paying for.

I guess it might be a catch twenty two. Low quality -> low income -> low quality, but the sadness of such a dynamic does not make me want to pay for an inferior service.

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